It's July 25. People might say it's Christmas in July. I'm not sure why when June is really the 6-month mark to Christmas. And nobody really celebrates Christmas in July.
But for me this is a monumental day purely because I say it is. I'm beginning anew. A new stage of my life, and a new habit, I hope, to go along with it. This will become my place to share thoughts on what I read, and what I write.
I realized recently that I have developed a fear of sharing my thoughts and my writing publicly. I think that's why I don't finish what I write. Because without an ending, there's no reason to share it. An audience can't be expected to provide their own ending. I've signed up for a fiction writing course, that leads to a creative writing certificate. My biggest qualm in signing up for the course is the requirement to share. I have a lot of issues with the critics in my own head, and the idea that external judgement shouldn't really matter. External judgement can be constructive. Internal judgement makes me afraid of external judgement. If I can't be kind of myself, why would anyone else be? But old wisdom says we are always our own harshest critic.
So, I've registered for the class, hoping for constructive criticism as well as tips and tricks in the writing process that may spike my creativity and actually help me get past that internal critic. And I re-start the blogging process, hoping that by sharing my thoughts on what I'm reading, as well as what I'm writing that I may get more used to sharing what I do.
I don't have any expectations regarding my audience. I know that I don't have one as of yet, because I've only ever sporadically blogged before. But if even one or two folks acknowledge my existence in any kind of positive way I can feel better about sharing, and potentially increase my confidence in doing so.
And, that then is the grand opening of the new
Breathe, write, read.
Welcome. I hope I can provide some kind of entertainment for you.