Friday, May 1, 2020

I Write: Vivid Dream

Assignment #2 for the Creativity for Writers was to write about a vivid dream. I don't really remember my dreams in a sense that I can write them like a story.  So this is what I came up with.
(reminder - assignments are only 250 words)


I don't dream in coherent stories. I dream in glimpses, in pieces. I dream about colours and feelings rather than narratives that are easy to re-tell or explain to anyone else.
There is one piece that has recurred since my childhood where I am running. And I don't run, so I know that it's a dream. Or a nightmare. I'm running, and it is dark. I don't know why I'm running, I just know that I need to continue running.  As far and as fast as I can. The floor, ground, surface under my feet is slick but also feels as if it's almost undulating. As if it's alive. There is no light to run to, no destination visible. I just know that I must keep running.
Suddenly there is something behind me -  a bear when I was younger, a serial killer or something equally terrifying as I got older - and I know that I really do need to keep running. I push my short legs as fast as they will go, but I can't get any further ahead. Just as I feel that I might not get away, that there is no hope, the surface under my feet seems to tilt, in pieces, almost like a mini-blind and I slip, sliding down the slice that I was standing on, grasping for anything I can reach in order not to fall into the unknown abyss below.
That's generally where I wake up. If I were to use that in a story, I would probably use it as a recurring nightmare, or if I was feeling particularly adventurous it could be part of a science fiction/fantasy/thriller type story where this actually happens.

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