Saturday, May 23, 2020

I Read: Broken Genius

Broken Genius by Drew Murray

Alright, so this one is a little different. The author this time, is the instructor I had for the Science Fiction/Fantasy course I took at the beginning of the year. I  enjoyed his class, and he talked about his writing and publishing journey, and despite the fact that this is not generally what I would read, I was interested.

Short review - it's a good book. I enjoyed it. It was suspenseful, and kept my attention. There are some annoying character things, and a few things I think an copy editor should have picked up on, but might just be language preferences. And I'm just going to put it out there that I hate that every kind of book has to have some kind of love/sex/romance piece to it. Can't it just be a mystery/thriller for it's own sake?  Anyway...

So this is a techy suspense thriller mystery kind of book. There's quite a bit of techy language, not enough to thoroughly lose someone who doesn't know tech, but enough that even I found I had to re-read it on occasion. The premise is really kind of cool. I don't want to go into it, because it'll give away the story.  Suffice to say it keeps moving with a few twists and some great action. I figured out the ending a little too soon, but that just made me groan when the characters finally got there. It didn't ruin the action for me.

Like I said, this is generally not my thing, but I did enjoy it. The main character is good, and quirky but not in an annoying way. It's an interesting balance to keeping a character realistic while also keeping him likable. Everyone has flaws, but a fictional character with too many throws the reader off. This walks a close line. I feel like the main character really IS an asshole, but he knows it, so that makes it better.

Anyway, I'm happy I read it. Three stars.
If you like mystery, thriller stuff pick it up. It's technically not released until June 2 but somehow mine shipped early.  And if I get inspired, I might write a better review than this, because I feel like more reviews might get us more novels, and I'd read more about Will Parker.


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