(First in the In Death series)
For some reason, I've never read anything by J.D. Robb, despite reading a lot of Nora Roberts series. J.D. Robb is a pseudonym of Nora Roberts, in case you weren't aware. So I took the opportunity, during one particular paperback sale at Chapters. Indigo, to purchase the first two books in the series.
I could have just started wherever the series is currently, which I think is somewhere in the 50s, but I felt like I wanted to begin at the beginning.
I wasn't sure what to think of this as it starts... it definitely makes sense that it's written as a different author because it's not what would traditionally be thought of as a Roberts work. However, there are a lot of similarities. Her writing style is really not all that different. And her ability to create a character, and make you feel for that person, to want to know more about even the supporting characters is still intact. And of course, there's still the romance.
But these novels are set in the future, in a world that is similar, but definitely not the same as the one we currently live in. It will be interesting as I travel through the rest of the series to see how she pulls in new technology and adapts to how things have changed in the current world to make it work in her future world.
If it's not obvious by the statement above, I will continue to read these until they're no longer intriguing. It will take me a good while to catch up, but I do plan to do so. I wasn't as interested in these as I generally am in Nora Roberts novels, because I'm not really a big mystery fan, but I am interested. Three stars because I'm interested enough to continue in the series.
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