I was never a really big Elton John fan. I've always known his music, and I knew he was an exceptionally big personality. But the theatrics were never really what I was into. The music was the thing. I knew he was an exceptional musician, but I kind of felt like the grandioseness of his persona took away from the music.
Before I saw "Rocketman" I didn't know a lot about John's backstory. Little bits and pieces, drugs being the main thing. I think I learned the most about him in connection with Princess Diana. I saw the movie twice. And it led me to pre-order this book.
The book is likely the best example of a memoir that I have ever read. It's truly a collection of memories strung together in a patchwork story to form a life, so far. There are no apologies, no excuses for anything. It's just a frank and seemingly honest recollection of an extraordinary life. And it truly is extraordinary, beyond anything I could have realized before.
He mentions other celebrities in a way that makes them no different from you talking about your neighbours. Some of his actions are unbelievable but written in a way that makes it easy to believe he didn't see that at the time. He's clearly done a lot of thinking about where his life has taken him, the paths he's been on and the ways he's gotten where he's gotten. It's self-reflective but not in a way that makes you think that's what he's doing. Honestly, if I'd read this book without knowing it was about Elton John, I don't think you could believe anything in it. It's almost fantastical. And the knowledge of that is clearly written into it.
There are details included that I don't think are common knowledge, and those are the pieces that make Elton John into a person, no different than you or I. He persona, his character is amazing and awesome. But Elton John (and no, not Reg Dwight) is just a guy who's been doing what he loved to do and has had himself a pretty fantastic life along the way. And it's not over yet.
Five stars. I gained a lot of respect for Elton through his writing. It's a really good book. (Also, I love the cover. It's such a great image!)
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