Sunday, September 5, 2021

I Read: Listening to Animals

Listening to the Animals: Becoming the Supervet
Listening to Animals: Becoming the Supervet by Noel Fitzpatrick

My dad introduced me to the SuperVet television show a few years ago. I have no idea how he found it, or what made him so interested in it, but I'm not going to question it because it is a uniquely interesting show. 

So when I realized that Noel Fitzpatrick - THE SuperVet - had written a book, actually two, I picked them up. This one, the first of the two, starts right at the beginning of Noel.  And honestly, I'm amazed at how he handles challenges and hardship in his life. There is seemingly nothing that he can't accomplish just because he decides that he wants to. And none of what he's done so far has been an easy road for him. 

If you are interested in animals, animal science, animal medicine, and/or how animal medicine and human medicine overlap, then you will be interested in this book. And in Noel Fitzpatrick and The SuperVet. Do yourself a favour and at least watch the show. It's an education. 


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