Sunday, March 21, 2021

I Read: This is the Fire

This is the Fire
This is the Fire: What I Say to My Friends About Racism by Don Lemon

I wasn't sure what to expect from this. I watch Don Lemon on CNN regularly (way more regularly than I ought to really, and way, way more regularly since the pandemic and other issues in the US over the past year.)  But I'm not always completely sure that I enjoy watching. 

The show is smart, intelligent, but sometimes it's over my head. Sometimes it feels like that's intentional - that the point is to make everything seem so intelligent that it has to be true. I was afraid that would be the case with this book as well. 

But I was also excited for the book's release. My mom and I both have been looking forward to it, because Don Lemon speaks so clearly and carefully. It's not that his language isn't passionate about the topic - he definitely is - it's just that it's also always so rational. Logical. Which the world, and especially the US, haven't had a lot of lately. 

I think everyone should read a book like this in the times we're in. It's not preachy, it's informational. It's educational. It's topical, in multiple ways. But it's also just relatable. Even as a white person, I can relate to this book. And it's not condemning. It's just suggestive of what we can, or should, be doing to make things better. Don's not asking much. Just that everyone be more receptive to change. And that we all try to be people who make a little change. 

I can't guarantee that everyone will take from this what I have. But if it's enough to help people adapt to the kind of society we need to live in, then that's really all that matters. I might not be a change-maker. But I'm absolutely not going to be the person who stands in the way of it either. 


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