Still Just a Geek: An Annotated Memoir by Wil Wheaton
Years ago, Wil Wheaton wrote a memoir. Recently, he's gone back to re-write, or more specifically annotate, that memoir making notes where previous Wil had room to grow, and showing us just exactly who that previous version has become.
I'm really glad that I hadn't read the original version of this book without now-Wil's notes to give it context. I maybe wouldn't have liked Wil Wheaton all that much based on some of his stories and expressions. There's nothing particularly damning, but it definitely would have tainted my opinion. There are also a lot of moments where I just want to give the previous-Wil a hug because his life was not easy. Due mostly to his parents and their lack of skill at parenting him. They just wanted to live vicariously through and live off of the money that their son could bring in. A son who didn't really even want to be an actor. It's sad.
I feel a lot of things, having read this memoir, but none of those things actually damage my opinion of Wil Wheaton. Often, I'm left feeling oddly disillusioned after reading a memoir, but this one didn't do that for me. Wil is very self-aware considering what he's been through psychologically in his life. And he's willing to share that with anyone who cares to read the book - and if no one does, well then that's okay with him too.
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