I love this series because it's so creative. There are "monsters" I've never heard of and that in other situations would be scary but they're written as creatures to be learned about and treated as equals.
The series title is Royal Guide to Monster Slaying, but it's really more about monster care. It's a lesson that doesn't seem to resonate for people in reality but might make more of an impression on the age group targeted with this series, because of these books.
On the surface, these are adorable and action-packed books about potentially scary creatures that could endanger the people in the stories. But if you look deeper there are some pretty great lessons, one of which is the theme that everyone (people and creatures) deserves to be treated with dignity. Those who treat the creatures badly treat other people badly, and they are routinely punished (albeit karmically) for their actions.
This is not just a series that's fun for kids. It's well written and teaches lessons to everyone who picks it up. Perspective is important to everyone and there's plenty of that to be had here.
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