Tuesday, May 4, 2021

I Read: Successful Women Think Differently

Sucessful Women Think Differently
Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make you Happier, Healthier and More Resilient by Valorie Burton

I loved this book.  Not because I have any grand ambitions to be "successful" in ways that most of the world would consider important, but actually because this book considers success differently than that. 

Success isn't about money, or power, or career advancement. It's about feeling fulfilled, content and happy with what you've achieved, and created. Learning how to frame your life and motivation in ways that make you feel successful is really the key to success. Do what motivates you, what you're passionate about and put your heart into it. That's how you become truly successful. 

The 9 habits are mostly common sense, but as with most practices a person doesn't actually give them much thought until someone else points them out. They make sense. They're logical. But Burton doesn't write them in a way that makes you feel stupid for not having clued into it before. 

This is a great read for anyone who's interested in being their better self, while also acknowledging that success isn't externally acquired. Find your joy, feed your passion. Live your best life. 


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