This book joined my TBR by way of a Facebook post series. I was nominated and then in turn nominated folks to post 7 favourite books over 7 days. One of my nominees is also a book lover and decided to go for 3 (or was it 4?) different sets of books, based on genre. Amazing dedication.
Anyway, this one was on his list. I'd honestly never even heard of it, but for some reason immediately decided I needed to pick it up. And I am absolutely not sorry for that.
The story is based in high school, from the perspective of a male narrator, about a very unique girl who arrives at the school. I won't synopsis the entire book, because that's not what I do, but suffice to say, even so far out of high school, this one touched me. I related to the girl character, the boy character. I saw things in both of them that made me cringe and almost cry.
It really boils down to a study in uniqueness and herd mentality and the pressures of being different in high school. It's a great book - I really do love it. There is a companion that I'm about to dive into now. Both are quite short and easy to read, but the content is deep and thought-provoking if you're willing to think about it.
I'm sure I'll be back in the next 24 hours with more to say on the companion, Love Stargirl, but for now I'm going to leave it with the fact that it's lovely and touching and I want to read it again, for the first time, over and over again.
Highly recommended. 5 stars. Go read it if you haven't already!
(Side note: This is book 45 for 2020, which met my Goodreads Challenge quota for the year. Thanks to COVID-19, I'm guessing I'll likely get to double that this year.)
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